Thursday 16 February 2012


we had a pendulum experiments .

this is the picture of my group :)

the materials that we needs are:

this is the example of the metal ball :)
1. a metal ball
this is the example of the string

2.three pieces of string ( 10cm , 15cm , 20cm)

this is the example of retort stamp
3. a retort stand .

this is the example of the musking tape
4.some masking tape .

this is the example of the proctactor
5. a proctactor.

this is the example of the stopwatch
6. a stopwatch

1. attach the metal ball to one end of the 10 cm string 
2. secure the masking tape to attach a protractor to the retort stand . 

At that time i was forget what is that date when i do the experiments, i was divided into 5/7 groups . my group mates are Clauvinna,Miranda, Brian , Ivana, Reynaldo,Bern and Ruben  first we go to the science lab , at the science lab we take our sit . then all the materials are given already in each of the table of the group :) . then first we cut the 3 string . each of the string has different centimeters we cut into 3 . the first strings is 10 cm , the second string is 15 cm , and the last string is 20cm . then we take the protractor and we take the masking tape and then  we tape the proctator with the retort stand . then we take the string and bundle it with the proctactor , before that we cut the fist string into 10 cm . then we swing the metal ball . adnd we observe how long it will swing we count it by the stopwatch . then after we observe it we change the string to 15cm , then we do the same thing again like the first one . after we swing it we observe it . after done we do the last one and we change the string again into 20 cm and then we do the same thing and then we observe again.~ 

I observe that how the length of the string affects the motion of the pendulum . ;{D



this is my group photos :)

At 26 January 2012 we were divided into 3 group . then we have a gravitational force project and at that time we are learning about forces.

what we observe at that experiment is :
*what happen when two object of the same shape but different mass are released from the same height .

what do we need for the gravitational force is:

1. two similar plastic bottles ( one filled with water , the other is empty)

this is the example of the small rug
2. 1 a small rug 

this is the example of the low chair :)
3. low chair .

 1. works in 3 group. place the rug in the ground.
 2. hold a plastic bottles , one in each hand . with your arms stretched out in front of you , drop both bottles at the same time . observe how they fall.
3. now stand on a low chair . drop both bottles again with your arms outstretched. observe how they fall.

so at 26 January 2012 , we were divided into 3 group i was in the same group with Clauvinna and Brian then  we was filling one bottle with water and the other bottle without water then i was not standing in the chair then i stretched my hands and drop the two bottles , then when i was drop the bottles, Clauvinna and Brian was observe the two bottles and find who dropped first at the first time. then we observe again with standing on the chair , we take the chair and then this time  i was outstretched my hands and drop the two bottles ,  then Clauvinna and Brian observe again . And then we observe that the two bottles was falls down together but the bottles with water is falls faster than the bottles without water. this is because the bottles without the water has more air resistance and the bottle that is with water has more less air resistance . and now we have observed.